Description | Example | Return Message | Group(s)

SCHED: EditResourceTag


SCHED / EditResourceTag '<ResourceTag>' '<ResourceIds>'


The SCHED EditResourceTag Connect command edits the attributes of a resource tag in STK Scheduler. This command can be used to edit the ResourceTag to consist of the resources provided with ResourceIds. If the resource tag does not exist, this command will create one (effectively doubling as the non-existent commands CreateResourceTag).


  • ResourceTag: The ResourceTag is a string of text in single quotes that is the name of the ResourceTag being edited or created
  • ResourceIds: The ResourceIds is a string of text in single quotes of a comma delimited list of resource ids that will be included in the ResourceTag.


Sets ResourceTag A to contain the Alpha, Beta resources in the active schedule.
SCHED / EditResourceTag 'A' 'Alpha, Beta'

<CommandName>SCHED / EditResourceTag
<ResourceIds>'Alpha, Beta'

Return Message

Connect returns whether or not the command was succesful or failed, if it failed, it will provide an appropriate error message.

Group Membership

This command belongs to the following group(s):


